Handover of the Solid Waste Management Master Plan in the Western Province of Sri Lanka based on the provision of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Official commissioning of a new generation "Automatic Organic Stove" to the Waste Management Authority
In conjunction with the World Environment Day, Sidalepa Company and the Western Provincial Waste Management Authority jointly organized a tree planting program.
Mihisaru and Mihilak Organic Fertilizer Fertilizer Promotion Program and Drone Technology Training Program conducted by Mihisaru Resource Management Center
New Year's celebration to start duties and increase friendship
Future Harvest 2024 is the largest agricultural, food and technology exhibition of the year
The annual health camp held for the employees of Kalutara, Fertilizer Watta Mihisaru Resource Management Center belonging to the Western Province Waste Management Authority.
Inauguration of the six-month course conducted by the Mihisaru Field Research and Training Center belonging to the Western Provincial Waste Management Authority for supervisors of local government institutions and waste recycling institutions.
Starting the year 2024, the Western Provincial Waste Management Authority started its duties at the Karadiana Mihisaru Resource Management Center at an auspicious time.
Introductory Program in Recycling Industry Assistant NVQ - 4 Course
Installation of awareness boards and tree planting program at Karadiana Resource Management Center premises
The organization of the Western Province Governor's Cup was carried out by the organizational strength of the Western Province Waste Management Authority.
Western Province Governors Cup - 2023
The health camp implemented to promote the health status of the members of Karadiana Mihisaru Sampath Center
Recently, Sri Lanka Customs and the Western Province Waste Management Authority destroyed a stock of creams and perfumes used for cosmetic purposes that were imported without permission.
PHINLA 2nd Global Waste Management Conference - Sri Lanka 2023 Field Visited to Karadiana Mihisaru Field Research and Training Centre
Opening of the Kaduwela Plastic Recycling Centre.
Certificate Course on "Sustainable Waste Management Practices" conducted by Mihisaru Field Research and Training Center for Health Administrators of Western Local Government Institutions
Haritha Balakaya Program Colombo District
Haritha Balakaya Program Gampaha District
A program for the safe destruction of clinical and sanitary waste collected in homes and institutions is launched - Ja ela
Health camp for Haritha Balakaya Members of W.P
WMA (Karadiyana) - Resource Bank Opening
Hon Governor of W.P Marshal of the Sri Lanka Air Force Roshan Goonetileke and Mr. Meril Perera, Chairman of Waste Management Authority (W.P) Visite - Homagama Mihisaru Resource Management Center
the discarded electronic waste and recyclable solid waste center opened on the last 23at the Rajagiriya.
WMA and JICA Workshop on aware the 20 years Master Plan for Western Province Solid Waste Management - 2023.03.14
Hon Governor of W.P Marshal of the Sri Lanka Air Force Roshan Goonetileke and Mr. Meril Perera, Chairman of Waste Management Authority (W.P) Visited the Karadiyana Mihisaru Viyamana Resource Management Center on 2023.02.09
2023 January Award Ceremony