Plastic Recycling Center (PRC) was inaugurated.

Plastic Recycling Center (PRC) was inaugurated.

Janatha Kshana (GTE) Ltd. with the generous support of USAID Clean City, Blue Oceans (CCBO) program. The institution's intervention led to the opening of the Kaduwela Plastic Recycling Center (PRC).

  🌟 Chief Guest: Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Secretary of Sri Lanka's Ministry of Environment and Mr. Douglas Sonek, Deputy Chief of Sri Lanka's US Embassy.

Honorable guests representing Sri Lanka's United States Embassy, Ministry of Environment, USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Program, Kaduwela Municipal Council (KMC), Western Provincial Waste Management Authority (WP - WMA), Central Environment Authority (CEA) were present and commercial level recyclers, Divisional Secretariat Kaduwela, officials of Informal Waste Collectors Association were present.